MMUH Community Ambassadors Initiative


The West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre have signed an agreement with Sandwell Consortium to become an ambassador for the MMUH Community Ambassadors Initiative.

MMUH Community Ambassador Agreement Letter

The MMUH Community Ambassador is an exciting role that helps connect members of the local community to their local hospital (Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust), which provides ‘acute’ and emergency care. We are working with the Trust to ensure that residents, in all the communities we serve, hear about and understand the changes taking place with the move to the new hospital. We want to ensure that patients, service users and visitors get the right treatment, at the right time, in the right place.

By being a MMUH Community Ambassador, we have agreed to:

  • Establish an MMUH corner/notice board in your community venue.
  • Attending an online monthly MMUH briefing Session, where Sandwell & West Birmingham NHS will update and share key messages for you to pass on.
  • Ensure that key messages and information is displayed in your community setting using the MMUH corner /notice board.
  • Be available to support SWB in creating content, including videos in a range of community languages, to ensure that the key messages/information is reaching people whose first language is not English.
  • Ensure that you use your organisation’s social media presence where it exists, including websites, to get the key messages/information out to the communities you support and serve.
  • Use traditional networks, newsletters etc to get the key messages/information out to the communities they support and serve.
  • Collect your monthly engagement numbers, including both individual residents and groups, and a list of any activities and submit this to Sandwell Consortium.
  • When needed, accurately capture any queries and issues about the hospital and its services and report to SWB through the email: (no @? or by calling 0121 507 2671 and speaking to a member of the team.


We are required to report back to the Trust on the following outcomes:

  • Sign up to become MMUH Community Ambassador
  • Establish an MMUH Corner/Notice Board
  • Attend MMUH Community Ambassador Meetings
  • Ensure key messages/information is pushed out into the community
  • Work with the Trust to ensure that the key messages and information are in a format which the community can access e.g. videos in community languages
  • Use networks/website/social media/newsletter etc to share key messages/information to the communities the organisations support
  • Feedback queries/concerns/issues/opportunities to the Trust to act upon
  • Record and report the numbers of people engaged/informed

The Midland Metropolitian University Hospital (MMUH) – Welcome Leaflet in English (Easy Read)

A&E is now open at Midland Metropolitian University Hospital (MMUH)

Midland Metropolitian University Hospital (MMUH) – Toolkit (Social Messaging)

If you would like to find out more information about the new MMUH Hospital, please email us at Info@wbacrc,