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African Caribbean & BME Carers Information Advice

The Care act 2014 introduces a number of reforms to the way that care and support for adults with care needs are met. It requires local authorities to adopt a whole system, whole council, while family approach, coordinating services and support around the person and their family and considering the impact of the care needs of an adult on their family, including children

Our service recognises the valuable role that carers play and the need for carers themselves to have some support. We are working in partnership with a number of voluntary and community organisations to support or give carers a break from their caring responsibilities.

A carer meets the eligibility criteria for support if their needs are caused by providing necessary care for an adult. As a result their health is at risk or they are unable to achieve specified outcomes. As a consequence there is or is likely to be a significant impact on the carers well being.

Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including recreational facilities. Our service aims to support carers to access primary, secondary and social care services that will support them in their caring role and improve their own quality of life. We do this by identifying what support they need then we referred them to specialist organisations who are funded by to support carers who care for their loved one, family members and disabled adults who live or with in Sandwell. Our service also advocates for carers and we help them to access additional support and services for themselves and they people they support such as:

Welfare Benefit, Aid & Adaptations, Telecare Services, Council Tax and Housing, we also hold consultation meetings to capture experience of carers using Secondary & Primary Care and Social Care services, we also use case studies to capture their personal stories and experience.

A carer is regarded as being unable to achieve an outcome if the carer is unable to achieve it without assistance; is able to achieve it without assistance but doing so causes significant pain, distress or anxiety or is likely to endanger health or safety. The specified outcomes are:

  • Carrying out any caring responsibilities the carer has for a child
  • Providing care to other persons for whom the carer provides care
  • Maintaining a habitable home environment
  • Managing and maintaining nutrition
  • Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • Engaging in work, training, education or volunteering

    For more information on the African Caribbean & BME Carers Information Advice and Navigation Service please contact

    West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre, Thomas Street, west Midlands B70 6LY

    Tel: 0121 525 9177

    Fax 0121 580 1008
