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International Nurses Day - May 12

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INTERNATIONAL Nurses Day is an annual celebration of the crucial work nurses do around the world.

It is especially important in 2020 as they continue to lead the frontline charge against the coronavirus pandemic.

What is International Nurses Day?

The annual event, which was first marked in 1965, was created by the International Council of Nurses to mark the hard work of nursing staff around the world.

Since January 1974, the global celebrations are traditionally held on May 12.

Most famously are Mary Secole and Florence Nightingale

Mary Seacole
(1805 – 1881)

Mary Seacole
Via dailymail.co.uk

Famous Achievement: Nursed wounded and sick soldiers during the Crimean War

Mary Seacole volunteered to care for wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. She initially applied to the War Office but she was refused. As a result, she used her own money to travel to Crimea and helped in caring for wounded soldiers. She also helped treat patients in Jamaica during the cholera epidemic of 1850.

Florence Nightingale
(1820 – 1910)

florence nightingale

Famous Achievement: Founder of Modern Nursing

Florence Nightingale was born from a rich family in England. She pursued nursing even though it was against her family’s will. She completed her formal nursing studies at the Institute of Protestant Deaconesses in Kaiserswerth, Germany. Afterwards, she worked as a full-time nurse during the Crimean War.

There are many famous nurses in history https://www.nursebuff.com/famous-nurses/

Let us give our thanks to the nurses of today working on the frontline during the coronavirus pandemic. These nurses form the largest group of staff in the NHS and are a crucial part of the healthcare team. Nurses work in every sort of health setting from accident and emergency to working in the community, in patients' homes or schools, with people of all ages and backgrounds. Let us give thanks for all our nurses as well as we join in the nationwide applause commending the outstanding work our NHS are doing on the frontline of coronavirus - CLAP FOR OUR CARERS Every Thursday at 8pm.

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